All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
- ActionLogger - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger
- ActionLogger() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger.ActionLogger
- appendStringArray(String, String[], String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Array
This method merges the Strings of a String array and outputs them as a single String.
- Array - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc
- Array() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Array
- Calculation - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.math
- Calculation() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.math.Calculation
- CommandFlags - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input
- CommandFlags() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.CommandFlags
- ConfigHandler - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee
- ConfigHandler(Plugin) - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.ConfigHandler
- ConfigHandler(Plugin, String) - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.ConfigHandler
- copyDefaultFile(InputStream, File, String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- copyDefaultFile(InputStream, String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- copyPartialMatches(String, Iterable<String>, T) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.player.TabCompletion
Method for creating tab completion on BungeeCord side.
- createFolder(File, String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- createFolder(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.material - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.material
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.math - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.math
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc
- de.redstoneworld.redutilities.player - package de.redstoneworld.redutilities.player
- FileManager - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files
- FileManager(File) - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- FileReader - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit
- FileReader - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee
- FileReader() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
- FileReader() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
- Formatter - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc
- Formatter() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Formatter
- getBooleanOption(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
- getBooleanOption(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
- getConfig() - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.ConfigHandler
- getConfiguration() - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
- getConfiguration() - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
- getFileContent(File) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- getFileContent(File, String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- getFileContent(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- getInstance() - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.ConfigHandler
- getInstance() - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger.ActionLogger
- getIntOption(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
- getIntOption(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
- getLang(Boolean, String, String...) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
This method reads the specific messages in config.yml and replaces the minecraft color codes with a valid character.
- getLang(Boolean, String, String...) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
This method reads the specific messages in config.yml and replaces the minecraft color codes with a valid character.
- getLang(String, String...) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
This method reads the specific messages in config.yml and replaces the minecraft color codes with a valid character.
- getLang(String, String...) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
This method reads the specific messages in config.yml and replaces the minecraft color codes with a valid character.
- getLogger() - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- getMaterials(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.material.MaterialHelper
This method returns a list of materials that can be defined with a (single) input in the form of a Material-Tag, Regex or the normal Material-Name specification.
- getMaterials(Set<String>) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.material.MaterialHelper
This method returns a list of materials that can be defined with a set of inputs in the form of a Material-Tag, Regex or the normal Material-Name specification.
- getMillisFromServerTicks(long) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.math.Calculation
- getRationalNumberMsg(float) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Formatter
This method outputs the rational number as a string.
- getRationalNumberMsg(float, String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Formatter
This method outputs the rational number as a string.
- getRationalNumberMsg(Double) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Formatter
This method outputs the rational number as a string.
- getRationalNumberMsg(Double, String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Formatter
This method outputs the rational number as a string.
- getRationalNumberValue(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Formatter
This method reforms the rational number spelling and convert it to a double number.
- getServerTicksFromMillis(long) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.math.Calculation
- getStringOption(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
- getStringOption(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
- getTimeString(long, String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Formatter
This method returns the timestamp in the desired formatting.
- getTimeString(Date, String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Formatter
This method returns the date object in the desired formatting.
- InputFormat - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input
- InputFormat() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.InputFormat
- isHideFlag(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.CommandFlags
This method checks if the given argument is the flag for hiding the teleport message.
- isIntegerNumber(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.InputFormat
This method validate the input string and check if it's a valid integer.
- isNaturalNumber(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.InputFormat
This method validate the input string and check if it's a valid natural number without a signum of a permutation.
- isPositiveNaturalNumber(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.InputFormat
This method validate the input string and check if it's a valid natural number without a signum of a permutation, and it's also greater than zero.
- isRationalNumber(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.InputFormat
This method validate the input string and check if it's a valid rational number.
- isValidPitch(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.ValueAnalyzer
- isValidWorld(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.ValueAnalyzer
- isValidYaw(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.ValueAnalyzer
- log(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger.ActionLogger
- log(String, String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger.ActionLogger
- MaterialHelper - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.material
- MaterialHelper() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.material.MaterialHelper
- mergeArrays(String[], String[]) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Array
This method concatenates two String arrays linear.
- Messages - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.player
- Messages() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.player.Messages
- reloadConfig() - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.ConfigHandler
- removeWhitespaceEnd(String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.StringManipulation
This method removes the whitespaces at the end of the specified String.
- roundToX(double, float) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.math.Calculation
This method rounds up the input to the desired accuracy.
- saveConfig() - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.ConfigHandler
- saveNewFile(File, String, String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- saveNewFile(String, String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- sendActionbarMsg(Player, String) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.player.Messages
- setConfig(Configuration) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
- setConfig(Configuration) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
- setConfigPartFeatures(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
This method sets the configuration part for features.
- setConfigPartFeatures(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
This method sets the configuration part for features.
- setConfigPartMessages(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bukkit.FileReader
This method sets the configuration part for messages.
- setConfigPartMessages(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.bungee.FileReader
This method sets the configuration part for messages.
- setLogActions(boolean) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger.ActionLogger
- setLogger(Logger) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.files.FileManager
- setServerName(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger.ActionLogger
- setWorkPath(String) - Method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.logger.ActionLogger
- shiftArray(String[], int) - Static method in class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.Array
This method shifts a String array with the target amount of shifts and create a new one with the rest of it.
- StringManipulation - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc
- StringManipulation() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.misc.StringManipulation
- TabCompletion - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.player
- TabCompletion() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.player.TabCompletion
- ValueAnalyzer - Class in de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input
- ValueAnalyzer() - Constructor for class de.redstoneworld.redutilities.input.ValueAnalyzer
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages